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"Effective science communication"
author & lecturer: Dr. Darko Donevski (+ guests)
Aim: Three-day crash course/masterclass on effective communication of modern science.
The course is dedicated to university students at doctoral levels and young professional scientists.
Topics: (1) How to effectively plan, develop and communicate your science?
(2) How to plan and write science proposals and grant applications
(3) Effective communication in science collaborations: diverse forms of teamwork
(4) Transferring science information & paradigms to the segmented public
(5) Open data & big data science: benefits and problems
(6) Science & society: knowledge and skills for development
Dates: 15-17/12/2022
Location: Science club, Kralja Petra 46, Belgrade (link, see in Google Maps )
Promoters: Centre for the promotion of science, CPN, Belgrade (link)
Material and photos from the previous courses:

2nd edition 2022

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1st edition 2021

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