Paralelno sa svojim naučnim istraživanjima, dugi niz godina se bavim književnim radom i pisanjem eseja o nauci i društvu. Razumevanje veze između nauke i društva je jedan od osnovnih preduslova za poboljšanje sveta u kom živimo. Zbog toga se u svojim esejima osvrćem na mnogobrojne probleme sa kojima se susreću različita društva u kontekstu naučnih istraživanja i edukacije. Odgovore na aktuelne probleme tražim u razgovorima sa inspirativnim ljudima različitih profila - od dobitnika Nobelove nagrade, Berija Beriša, slavne kanadske biografkinje Rozmari Saliven, pa do priča sa članovima afričkih i aboridžinskih plemena. Poslednjih godina, mnoge od tih priča objavljene su u ilustrovanom časopisu za popularizaciju nauke "Elementi". Neke od Izabranih tekstova možete pronaći na linkovima sa ove stranice.
Pored naučno i društveno angažovanih tekstova, objavljujem poeziju i kratke priče. U izdanju izdavačke kuće KOV, objavio sam zbirku poezije "Simetrija, spontano narušena".

Interview with the Nobel prize laureate, Prof. Barry Barish, one of the key figures behind the first detection of gravitational waves.

Story about African astronomy - an interview with Mirjana Povic, IAU award recipient and science educator working in Ethiopia.

The music of silence: a story that connects chess champion Bobby Fischer, and a celebrated composer John Cage.

Interview with Canadian award-winning biographer, Rosemary Sullivan about her investigations of lives of famous dissidents.

Under the African sky: collection of stories and contemplations from an African journey.

Models and data during the pandemic: Investigative data essay which comments the use and (often wrong) interpretation of open data in the time of global Covid-19 pandemic.
Science column "Orbiting"
Here you can find and read selected essays that I regularly write for magazine "Elementi". The majority of the essays are written in Serbian/Croatian, but there are (unpublished) English versions as well. If you are interested in these versions, please drop me a message here.

Orbitiranje #9: Future explorations of distant planets and galaxies.

Orbitiranje #6: NEOWISE comet

Orbitiranje #8: Are galaxies invisible cities?

Black holes - geometry of invisible: Two stories behind the first search for the existence of a black hole in the centre of our galaxy, Milky Way.

Orbitiranje #4: Searching for the life in the outer space
Radio podcast [coming soon...]