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Paralelno sa svojim naučnim istraživanjima, dugi niz godina se bavim književnim radom i pisanjem eseja o nauci i društvu. Razumevanje veze između nauke i društva je jedan od osnovnih preduslova za poboljšanje sveta u kom živimo. Zbog toga se u svojim esejima osvrćem na mnogobrojne probleme sa kojima se susreću različita društva u kontekstu naučnih istraživanja i edukacije. Odgovore na aktuelne probleme tražim u razgovorima sa inspirativnim ljudima različitih profila -  od dobitnika Nobelove nagrade, Berija Beriša, slavne kanadske biografkinje Rozmari Saliven, pa do priča sa članovima afričkih i aboridžinskih plemena. Poslednjih godina, mnoge od tih priča objavljene su u ilustrovanom časopisu za popularizaciju nauke "Elementi". Neke od Izabranih tekstova možete pronaći na linkovima sa ove stranice. 

Pored naučno i društveno angažovanih tekstova, objavljujem poeziju i kratke priče. U izdanju izdavačke kuće KOV, objavio sam zbirku poezije "Simetrija, spontano narušena".


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Interview with the Nobel prize laureate, Prof. Barry Barish, one of the key figures behind the first detection of gravitational waves.

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Story about African astronomy - an interview with Mirjana Povic, IAU award recipient and science educator working in Ethiopia.

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The music of silence: a story that connects chess champion Bobby Fischer, and a celebrated composer John Cage.

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Interview with Canadian award-winning biographer, Rosemary Sullivan about her investigations of lives of famous dissidents.


Under the African sky: collection of stories and contemplations from an African journey.

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Models and data during the pandemic: Investigative data essay which comments the use and (often wrong) interpretation of open data in the time of global Covid-19 pandemic.

izabrani naučni eseji (Nauka i društvo)
Radio podcasts
Anchor 2
Izabrani eseji o astronomiji (kolumna Orbitiranje)

Science column "Orbiting"

Here you can find and read selected essays that I regularly write for magazine "Elementi". The majority of the essays are written in Serbian/Croatian, but there are (unpublished) English versions as well. If you are interested in these versions, please drop me a message here.

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Orbitiranje #9: Future explorations of distant planets and galaxies.

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Orbitiranje #6: NEOWISE comet

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Orbitiranje #8: Are galaxies invisible cities?

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Black holes - geometry of invisible: Two stories behind the first search for the existence of a black hole in the centre of our galaxy, Milky Way.

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Orbitiranje #4: Searching for the life in the outer space

Radio podcast [coming soon...]

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