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Public lectures for high-school students: SISSA4Schools
During 2020, 2021, and 2022, I was participating (both in person and online) in an amazing event called SISSA4Schools: Student Day. My lectures were titled "Are galaxies socially distant?". The event attracted many students from high schools all over Italy.

Cosmic Talks: how we do astronomy
Cosmic Talks is one of the most popular TikTok live events on popular science, hosted by astrophysicist @DrCosmicRay

Open public lectures for kids
Throughout the years, I held dozens of public lectures with the aim of engaging the youngest audience. Some of the lectures were hosted by institutions and organizations from all over the world. Thanks to them, I was able to talk about astronomy with kids from Canada (Toronto), Italy (Trieste) and Balkans (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia), This image captures one of the big discussions I had with one of the young future scientists from Serbia.

First open and free masterclass "How to communicate science?"
In 2022, I gave a series of public lectures on effective science communication and popularisation. The idea was born during my stay in Toronto, and later I held the first lectures in Trieste and Belgrade. The image is from the most recent public lecture held in December 2022 in Belgrade.
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